Saturday, June 25, 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Title: Super 8
Director: J.J Abrams (Star Trek, Mission Impossible 3)
Starring: A bunch of kids

Fuck, this guy J.J Abrams must have more money than Wild Thing Rick Vaughn after his big contract extension.   He is on a pretty good hot streak to say the least.  He doesn't do a lot of movie directing but out of what he has done - it's all been pretty solid.  I hate Star Trek and actually enjoyed the Star Trek movie.  A lot.  Mission Impossible 3 was also bad ass and easily the best out of the 3 films.  I'm not sure if that was the directing or just Tom Cruise getting rid of the brutal haircut from part 2.  Either way.

I heard some people comparing this movie to the Goonies which is pretty much setting up a huge fail for me.  Do you think just because theres a fat kid you can compare a movie to Goonies?  Hey lets go see Tommy Boy, I heard its the next Goonies!  Wow did you hear about that new movie Paul Blart Mall Cop - early test screenings are pointing us in the direction of the next Goonies!  Geez.  Goonies comparisons aside - this was actually a pretty fun movie.

During the filming of a, duh, Super 8 movie, a bunch of friends witness and catch a pretty high octane train crash on film.  What initially seems like a regular run of the mill catastrophic event turns into something a little more complicated when a creature is (in)advertently set free on an unsuspecting small town.

Like Cloverfield, its first and foremost a good story with a creature kind of lingering in the background cockblocking some lead character.  All the young unknown actors do a great job and were perfectly cast.  The pyromaniac firecracker addicted kid was especially funny and there were a lot of great lines courtesy of Mr. Abram's excellent writing.  Would I recommend this one?  Absolutely.  Is it the next Goonies or Stand By Me?  No.  It is most certainly not the next Major League.  The Indians winning the A.L Pennant was far more satisfying.

Rating:  7/10

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